Enigma Dining Table by Altre Forme

Contemporary, ironic, and symbolic, the Enigma table from Altre Forme has a character all its own. The design team Garilab by Piter Perbellini created a whimsical commentary on pop art and the elements of design with this casual table.

Enigma Dining Table by Altre Forme

The Enigma table features a pedestal base at dining table height. The glass top is meant to quietly disappear so that the metal form of the base can take center stage in the living room.

Enigma Dining Table by Altre Forme

At first the sinuous base looks completely abstract, but with closer inspection it becomes clear that each supporting element of the base is a sculpted interpretation of a question mark.

Enigma Dining Table by Altre Forme

Enigma Dining Table by Altre Forme

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