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How to Create a Rustic Look in Your Home

Rustic style

Whether you like country music or not, it’s hard to deny the appeal of rustic décor. There’s just something so endearing, cozy and nostalgic about the look that we continue to see the theme being implemented through various ideas, time and again, even in the poshest of apartments in the cities. If you are looking to remodel your home or maybe just one room in a rustic décor, here are a few great ideas that you can rely on.

Natural Stone Veneer

Let’s start with the external décor, since that’s the very first place people notice of course. By choosing natural stone veneer from a supplier like Kafka Granite, you will not only be adding a classy, rustic look to your home, but the thin natural stone veneers supplied by Kafka Granite are absolutely unique in both color and cut.

What this means is that your rustic stone structures and feature walls will be constructed with granite in exclusive colors and cuts, not commonly found anywhere else. Check out the site for more details regarding your options and the exclusivity they offer in granite veneers.

Create a Western Saloon Bar at Home

If you have a bar space or plan to have one, it presents a great opportunity to welcome the western, rustic décor from the old days of American cowboys.

Work with an interior decorator to recreate one of the famous saloon bars from Texas or California inside your own home.

Rustic wine holders, wooden liquor shelves, bar stools and short, rippling curtains for the windows are going to take you back by a century or so, but in a good way. Feel free to skip the mounted animal heads though, because they are an eyesore and a health hazard for more reasons than one.

Weathered Wood (Cosmetic) Furniture is the Way to Go

Weathered wood that looks old and overused is an instant way to create that sense of rustic nostalgia that you are looking for here. This applies to furniture in general, but of course, the “weathered look” is only supposed to be cosmetic in nature. The last thing you would want is to buy rotting furniture with bedbug or termite infestations!

Use Reclaimed Wood for the Paneling

Reclaimed wood panels are perfect for creating the rustic look on your walls and floors because they come from actual rustic homes that you are inspired by. The finishing on them is exquisite and unparallel. Such natural designs cannot be found on panels made from fresh cut trees anymore.

Just make sure that you buy from a reputed and authorized supplier, because de-nailing, kilning, drying, treating, curing and various other specialized processes are necessary in order for reclaimed wood to be used safely again in modern homes.

Do understand that rustic décor also has many layers and variations. Just because the term “rustic” is stamped on something, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will automatically appeal to you. So, take a look through all your options before finalizing anything.

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