Invisible Bookend by Paul Cocksedge

With this new piece Paul Cocksedge asks the question: would you want to own something, when all you can see is what it does, not what it is? Invisible Bookend is a lightweight, free-standing object suitable for desk, shelf or floor which requires no mechanical fitting.

Invisible Bookend by Paul Cocksedge

It easily holds more than a metre and a half’s length of books, of all shapes and sizes.

Invisible Bookend by Paul Cocksedge

I wanted to discover if other people would enjoy as much as I do seeing books displayed without any other object to distract attention from them. This is a design which is not about appearance, only function. That’s the beauty of it Paul Cocksedge

Invisible Bookend by Paul Cocksedge

Invisible Bookend by Paul Cocksedge

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