Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya

Kimono Chair from Onur Ozkaya, exploring the performative qualities of traditional Kimono and finally re-applying its qualities to an armchair furniture prototype to test its possible spatial outcomes.

Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya

Soft rounded armchair body takes an architectural dimension while covering the user’s body with its form. The material combination and lightweight properties are enhancing the space around it while offering a traditional comfortable seating options and rocking features due to its geometry. Finally, Kimono Chair proposing a double layer surface, pleated dark leather outside and a single surface fabric inside to differentiate its possible function while maintaining sculptural and structural qualities.

The project won the grand prix award at Tokyo Designers Week 2014.

Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
Kimono Chair by Onur Ozkaya
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