Starry Light by Anna Farkas & Miklós Batisz

Starry Light is a constellation lamp collection born from the collaboration between graphic designer Anna Farkas and interior designer Miklós Batisz.

Starry Light by Anna Farkas & Miklós Batisz

Based on Anna’s original idea of a lamp as an art piece, created for the 2500 Watt exhibition, Starry Light is the result of almost one year of product development.

Starry Light by Anna Farkas & Miklós Batisz

The launch collection of Starry Light lamps is available with the celestial constellations of the northern hemisphere’s two equinoxes and solstices, but as the lamp is manufactured by hand, it is suitable to customisations according to a given date and time.

Starry Light by Anna Farkas & Miklós Batisz

The source of light in Starry Lights is specially designed and produced for the collection. Due to its special elaboration, it provides different light intensity in two directions, providing a strong direct light downwards, and ideal circumstances for the stars to shine on the walls. The light source emits a warm, white light—ideal for any home environment.

Starry Light by Anna Farkas & Miklós Batisz

Starry Light by Anna Farkas & Miklós Batisz

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